Happy New Year!!!
Today we have lots of exciting things happening, a new Mini Catalogue Launches with a fabulous Sale-a-Bration alongside it. We have a new Join offer, well three in fact, plus a new Kit is being added to our Collection!
Since November I have been able to order a selection of products early so I’ve had the opportunity to create some projects ahead of the launch and share things a little early with you.
If you follow me on YouTube you will have seen a few videos sharing new sneak peak products, always such an exciting time getting to see and purchase things early ahead of launch date. If you like this though, maybe you should consider joining my Team and purchasing the Starter Kit for yourself.
I feel spoilt for choice with the new offerings, I’ve not know what to create with first! Dainty Delight and Petal Park have been two bundles that I stamped with first and I love both of them. Here’s this week’s Facebook Live projects created using the Petal Park bundle.

You can view the NEW January – April Mini Catalogue HERE

You can view the NEW Sale-a-Bration Brochure HERE

Joining Stampin’ Up! with me is a great way of building your Stamping stash and there’s not better time than during our Sale-a-Bration period. We have THREE fabulous options to join. Please note the Blue Mini Machine is not due to arrive in our EU Warehouse until February

It’s easy to join, click the Tab “Buy the Starter Kit” at the top of the Page and follow the link to join. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
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